Saturday, May 2, 2009

WA-8 Purpose and Audience (Draft 2)

Time may seem of the essence at this point in your life but I urge you to continue to appreciate life and what you have gotten from it thus far. Look back at what you have accomplished, the things you reached for and gained and some of the things you might have fallen short of. Recollect on the activities and simple pleasures that made you most happy. Once you have those things established it is easy to begin enjoying them once again.

A good idea stolen from a movie called, “The Bucket List” is to sit down by yourself or someone you really love and compile a list of all the things you would like to do before you “kick the bucket.” It is a time to really reflect and take control of your life. When someone is enjoying what they are doing, they have a better livelihood which in turn helps them live longer. My point of this is to keep you engaged in life and help you continue to live life to its fullest. It is a beautiful gift entrusted upon us where we mist seize what is given to us and take advantage of it’s benefits.

So I would like to give you some ideas to spark creativity. Those of you who might just be looking for relaxation should buy a plane ticket to Angola, Jamaica, the Bahamas, or Curacao, take one bag with one pair of shorts and a shirt, a small wad of cash, and a carefree attitude. Buy a one-way ticket and from there, go with the flow. What is better than kicking back, soaking up the sun and sticking your toes in the sand? Nothing.

However, relaxation might not be your forte, in that case, be adventurous. Let me recommend to you, the activity of skydiving. It is a fun and non strenuous activity that one can partake in. The thrill and adrenaline rush that comes from it will excite anyone and loosen them up. Flying high into the sky and then plunging back to the earth will give you many memories to cherish.

Thirdly, maybe you prefer to take up a hobby such as knitting or golf. These types of hobbies can keep one engaged for many hours at a time and produce great results. New sweaters and hats for the grandchildren or keep you active with the bonus of lower cholesterol.

So, once again I would just like to tell you that you have one life to live and there is no time like the present, “carpe diem.” Take some of the things that I have shared with you to heart and really consider what makes you happy, what makes you enjoy your life, and find out the steps necessary to achieve these things. Remember all that you have done in your life and remember to always be thankful, thankful for what you have and thankful for what you have to look forward to.

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